Make your plans a reality

ARVA design services allows you to have full control and understanding over the design process. Our architect will work with you to design aesthetically impressive, and cost effective buildings or renovations to suit your specific situation.

All designs take into consideration construction cost, maintenance cost, property value, environmental impact, and spatial efficiency. 

How does it work?

Simply let us know the location of your site and the type of project you want to build. We will then arrange an appointment for an ARVA representative to meet with you on location to photograph and measure the site for dimensions. After the dimensions are taken back to the studio our architect work with you to complete the design.

For full construction projects the architect will also oversee the construction process and create/edit drawings and 3D work as necessary.


Preliminary design/Concept only:         
If you want to simply present an idea to investors, clients, or the public.
$400 - $2000 TTD per image (depending on the type and detail of the image)
$200 TTD per second of video

Full Construction Drawing Set and Cost Estimate: 
The option for drawings needed for verification by Town and Country. Also includes 3D images, video, analysis, and estimated construction cost of the final design. Billed based on building complexity and square footage.

Full Construction Project:
The architect works with you from concept to finish designing your project and overseeing the entire construction.  Costs between 4-10% of construction budget.
